Collection: 07 MOON AND AKARI

This is an evolved version of Maneki-Kaiju, a collaboration between MOONANDBEAM and AKARI STORE. The figure is charming and adorable, embodying an evolution born in the darkness. The color scheme is inspired by the moon and the night sky, featuring a white base with bright blue and yellow accents that highlight its transformation. The Kaiju is holding a lighthouse, with contrasting colors on its ears and body patterns, making it a standout piece among collectors.

這款是MOONANDBEAM與AKARI STORE聯名推出的進化版Maneki-Kaiju,外型討喜又可愛。這款KAIJU是在黑暗中誕生的進化體,配色採用了月亮和星空的配色,蛻變成形。整體配色以白色為主,搭配亮眼的藍色和黃色點綴,展現了月亮與星空的元素。這款玩偶手持一座燈塔,耳朵尖端和身體上的圖案均採用對比鮮明的配色,使其在眾多收藏品中顯得格外引人注目。